Democratic Justice of the Peace Nominations

Past event
Aug 6, 2020, 7 to 8 PM

At a caucus to be held virtually for the Town of Charlotte, VT, on Thursday, August 6th, 2020, at 7:00PM, the Charlotte Democratic Party will nominate candidates for Justice of the Peace for the Town of Charlotte.

Candidates will appear on the ballot during this November's election.

To attend the meeting from a computer:

Meeting ID: 746 2646 2246
Passcode: cvdems2020

To attend the meeting from a phone (no computer needed):
(646) 558-8656
Meeting ID: 746 2646 2246
Passcode: 6200331393

Please feel free to contact me with questions, comments, and for technical assistance. Thanks!
Braxton Robbason
Charlotte Democratic Party Chair

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