Dear Friends,
This is a reminder that the second in our 4-part Adult Forum Series is this Sunday at 9:00 AM. Our guest speaker is Paul Growald, Founder and Executive Director of Stopping Stones, of which I serve as a board member. I've attached information about Stopping Stones, along with the link to Sunday's meeting, and the remaining Adult Forum Meetings, the schedule of which is also attached.
Rev. Dr. Arnold Isidore Thomas, Pastor
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Moderator, Racism in America Forums
PO Box 495, 273 Vermont Route 15
Jericho, Vermont 05465
802-503-9666 (Personal Cell)
Arnold Thomas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Is There A Path to Racial Reconciliation?
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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