Another Saturday, More Great Books, Outside and Inside Our New Book Shop
Our outdoor book sales continue on August 1 and August 8. And - we are opening our new Book Shop as well! Outdoors will be a great selection of used books – all at bargain prices, and in many genres. Indoors, we offer our carefully curated collection of very gently used books, fiction and non-fiction, crafts, history, cooking and much more. We have 1877 maps of Randolph, an extensive collection of children's books as well as baskets and crafts, canvas book bags and Braintree jams. We will adhere to a protocol of limiting the number of customers in the shop and requiring facemasks. The sale will be open from 9 to 1 at 28 Pleasant St., Randolph, weather permitting.
If you're looking for particular authors or specific genres, you can contact us at and we'll see what we can find for you.
Parking is available behind the building.
All proceeds from the sales are used to support programs and purchase materials for Kimball Public Library. The Friends of Kimball Library is a 501(C)3, non-profit organization.