Rally at the Statehouse to Oppose Authoritarianism

Past event
Aug 1, 2020, 10 to 11:30 AM

Shared from Another FPF:

Rally at Vermont to Oppose Authoritarianism
Joseph Gainza • John Fowler Rd, Plainfield

Friends, I have submitted an application for use of the State House lawn for Saturday, August 1 from 10-11:30 AM. I have asked to have access to electricity for a mic and speakers. The rally is to build greater resistance to the creeping authoritarianism of the Trump administration and to present a united front for a more just society and economy, environmental justice and a demilitarized US foreign policy. Rather than a roster of scheduled speakers, I am asking people to bring banners, posters and handouts which reflect these various movements. After some welcoming remarks, I will invite people to come to the mic and speak for 3 minutes about why you have come. Of course, you are all invited to speak.

This is a bare bones event; I believe we must act quickly to cut off this creeping authoritarianism at the bud. Having said that, you all know this country has been headed in that direction long before Trump came on the scene. Now it is so obvious that I think we can begin to have serious conversations with people who otherwise have not be aware of the danger our democracy has been facing for several decades. Let's gather in that spirit. A new world is possible - if we build it.

As you may know the VT governor has mandated wearing face masks in public; we will be observing all mandated safety precautions. Joseph


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