A reminder for songwriters, poets, musicians and singers- you are welcome to join the Waterbury Public Library's monthly songwriting group with the McHughs on the last Wednesday of the month from 6-8 pm. We will be meeting via Zoom here: https://zoom.us/j/96815771156?pwd=SVFKWnlKd204Z0JoU3p6enJ0MkVWZz09 on Wednesday evening, July 29th from 6-8 pm.
Alison and Pat McHugh host the meeting and cover a wide range of topics from the basic building blocks of songwriting to fun but practical group exercises. From idea development to song structure, the how-to's of co-writing or giving feedback- all this and more. You are welcome to bring and share a song or piece of music. For more info email Alison at ali@wearedwelling.com or check out https://www.waterburypubliclibrary.com/songwriting-with-the-mchughs/ Writing can be a wonderful destressor in these uncertain times!
Mar 3, 2025, 7:30 to 10 PM
Wednesday Afternoon at the Adamant Coop!Mar 5, 2025, 3 to 4:30 PM
Paint a Barn Quilt: Class at Brown Public LibraryMar 8, 2025, 8 AM to 4 PM