Dowsing for Spiritual Growth

Past event
Aug 2, 2020, 1 to 4:30 PM

Dowsing is defined as the art of discovering the presence of energies, substances, objects or missing persons or things not apparent to the senses, usually by using rods, pendulums, etc.

This class will introduce you to dowsing and common dowsing tools. From there we will learn techniques in connecting with nature including centering/grounding, ceremony or prayers to improve your focus and intention, working with nature spirits, and more. This experience will help build an intimate relationship with your land, animals, and your house - bringing a healing and rejuvenating component to the place where you reside.

Attendees will be introduced to:

* Exercises for centering and grounding for better success with your dowsing tools

* Introduction to Pendulum and L-Rods

* Garden Layout & Design

* The magic of Walking a Labyrinth

* Working with Nature Spirits, Elementals, Garden Devas

* Animal Health & Well-being

Cost: $45 per person or $80 for 2 people - includes a handout

For more info or to Register:

Testimonial: "I really enjoyed the Dowsing for Spiritual Growth class. I am surprised how much I learned in one afternoon. I appreciated the other people in the class and Lisa's knowledge and experience. The course design was thoughtful and varied and interactive, and I love that I left with a list of resources to continue my learning. This class was a gift in my life." ~ Lisa B.

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