Forestry at the Andrews Community Forest - Reminder!

Past event
Jul 23, 2020, 7 to 8 PM

Ecological Forestry at the Andrews Community Forest

Thursday, July 23
7:00 – 8:00 PM

Join Ethan Tapper, the Chittenden County Forester, and the Richmond Town Forest Committee for a virtual presentation on "ecological forestry," focusing on an upcoming forest management project at the Andrews Community Forest in Richmond.

The Andrews Community Forest (ACF) is one of Vermont's newest Town Forests, acquired by the Town of Richmond in 2018. The ACF is managed for a number of different objectives, including recreation, wildlife habitat, and demonstration forest management. As part of the recommendations in the ACF's Forest Management Plan, forest management at the ACF will be beginning this summer.

"Ecological forestry," also called "ecological forest management," "disturbance-based forestry," or "new forestry," uses the harvesting of trees to mimic natural disturbances and to encourage the development of complex, diverse forests. Essentially, ecological forestry seeks to manage forests as complete ecosystems, rather than solely for economic value, and to base management on how forests naturally grow and develop. Among the benefits of this type of forestry is the creation of great habitat for a wide range of Vermont's wildlife species, helping forests be more resilient and adaptive in a changing climate, and helping Vermont's relatively young forests become more like old growth forests.
A major objective of the project is to provide opportunities for the public to learn about forest management in an open, transparent and inclusive way. Please come with your questions about forest management, logging, ecological forestry and the planned work at the ACF!
The ACF's Management Plan and Forest Management Plan can both be read on the Town of Richmond's Website at:

Zoom meeting link:

Meeting ID: 838 4411 4961
Password: 252274

Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)


J. Ethan Tapper
Chittenden County Forester
Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation
111 West Street
Essex, VT 05452

VT Licensed Forester # 148.0122047

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