ARTwork & Shabby Chic Indoor BARN SALE - 9 Poker Hill Rd. Fri- Sat-Sun. 10-4. This will be an on-going sale weekdays as well, until the end of Fall. If the signs are out- we're open. Please call if you would like an appt. for private viewing any other times. Lots of fresh air, but mask wearers only please.
Items are handmade, new and second hand. An upcycled collective of artistics jewelry, affordable artwork, cards, gifts, clothing, plants, fresh cut flowers and more... see the ad with photos on Craigslist
Dec 17, 2024, 11:15 AM to 1 PM
Free Soup and Bread SupperDec 19, 2024, 5 to 7 PM
Art YogaDec 19, 2024, 6:30 to 7:30 PM