Uprise Camp starts in 2 weeks!
If you haven't heard, this camp is open to all teenagers, and is focused on taking action against climate change, racism, and capitalism. We're working with young people to build the agriculturally and ecologically regenerative world we all need to bail out our society and our economy ourselves, and we're having FUN! Climbing, making protest art, fighting white supremacy, backwoods skills, swimming, farming, practicing direct action, and goofing off!
August 2-9 in Marshfield at the Center for Grassroots Organizing
Yes, we're definitely working with the Dept. of Health and will be following all the coronavirus prevention protocols and guidelines. See more at our site - www.uprisecampvt.org/uprise-camp-2020-covid-precautions
This year we're partnering with Building Fearless Futures, a team of anti-racist educators with deep experience in racial justice movement building and anti-white supremacy education in schools, businesses, and community groups. They're awesome. This is a rare political education opportunity for young people to unpack the world around us with the mentorship of serious movement leaders, and take those insights home.
So sign up! Go to uprisevt.org and register! The cost is a suggested donation of $500, but it's free for anyone who can't afford to pay!
Grant money is so tight this year, and these teens need all the help they can get! So please donate if you can: gf.me/u/xhbscv, or send a check to: Uprise Camp 1356 Ennis Hill Road Marshfield, VT 05658. Thank you!
You can also sign up to take a volunteer shift in the kitchen here!
With love and solidarity, Henry, for The Center for Grassroots Organizing (grassrootscenter.net)