Calling Gardeners and Farmers for Fundraising Event at the Roxy!

Past event
May 1, 2014

Hello Neighbors!
Merrill’s Roxy Cinemas is holding a benefit screening of the documentary film Farmland directed by James Moll on Thursday, May 1st. Proceeds will benefit the Root Center, an organization based in Vermont dedicated to providing fresh, organic, locally harvested produce to those in need. They are an absolutely incredible organization dedicated not only to providing organic food at local food shelves, but utilizing modern technology to do so in sustainable ways. We are proud to give them our support with this screening of Farmland. For more information on the Root Center, here is their website:

A trailer for the film can be found here:

We are calling on farmers, gardeners, and anyone with insight in the process of growing food to support the benefit event. It won’t cost you a thing--we would love to just have a few tables out representing organizations, gardens, or farms involved in growing or distributing food. We want to use this event so that members of the community can find ways to get involved with farming and gardening organizations in our community. In exchange, we are more than happy to provide free admission to the film and two passes each to see another film of your choosing at the Roxy.

We recognize that the film is backed by the US Farmer’s and Rancher’s Alliance, which is not supportive of such prevalent local and national issues as GMO labeling and organic, small-scale agriculture. However, the film provides incredible insight into what it means to be a conventional farmer in the United States, telling a compelling story about the people behind the pesticides and genetic modifications.

While we are very lucky to have such a force for local and organic food here in Burlington, we think it’s notable that many of the people in this country rely on food that is grown and distributed conventionally by people much like the six farmers in the film. Having local organizations dedicated to food growing and distribution in our lobby would provide a starting point for a discussion about the many factors involved in getting a plate of food on our dinner table.

Please let us know if you are interested in attending and/or supporting the event.

If you have any questions, please e-mail
Or, call our Box Office at (802)864-4742.

Lindsey Bessette, Event Coordinator
222 College Street, Burlington, VT

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