Info Session on Weatherization of Historic Buildings

Past event
Jul 30, 2020, 9 AM to 12 PM

Vermont Preservation Trust is a non-proft organization that helps communities to preserve historic buildings as part of the fabric of everyday community life. VPT is offering an on-line workshop on weatherization as it relates to historic preservation which they call Sustainable Preservation. Learn how to reduce energy costs and the carbon footprint of your non-profit's or town's historic buildings. Workshop is open to anyone. Cost is $25. Details below.

Sustainable Preservation: Thursday, July 30th, 9 am - 12 pm, On-Line Workshop
Join us for a three-hour session with top state experts on how to reduce the energy costs and carbon footprint of your non-profit or municipally-owned historic building. Learn the hows and whys of getting an energy audit, strategies and funding sources for efficiency upgrades, and basic and advanced techniques for weatherizing leaky windows, doors, attics and cellars. This online Zoom session will include a presentation of resources and plenty of opportunity to ask questions and discuss issues you currently face. For non-profits and municipalities. Presenters include the Preservation Trust of Vermont, Efficiency Vermont and NeighborWorks.

This Zoom meeting will be limited to 25 participants and encourages participation by all. Register at this address:[...]ch=
or by going to the PTV website:

If you have any questions, please be in touch with Alex Tolstoi (802) 222-0930.

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