Biodiversity in the Garden - April 18

Past event
Apr 18, 2014

Create a Biodiverse Garden for Ecological Resilience

Friday, April 18, 2014; 6:30 - 8:00 pm at the
North Branch Nature Center; Elm St., Montpelier

In this presentation, you will learn strategies for creating more beautiful and biodiverse gardens. Biodiversity is the foundation of ecological soil, plant, and pest management, and thus, ecological resilience. In our gardens, we can better manage our soil and better design vegetative architectures to promote beneficial organisms and suppress pests. When we use soil and plant strategies to build in preventative pest suppression, we build in ecological resilience.

Since 1989, Wendy Sue Harper has taught ecological agriculture, soil science, and composting to college students, farmers, and gardeners. Dr. Harpers business, WSH Consulting, provides educational and technical services to the farming and gardening community. Currently, she teaches agricultural biodiversity at Green Mountain Colleges Master of Science in Sustainable Food Systems.

Cost: Your $5 admission helps the Central Vermont UVM Extension Master Gardeners continue to provide public gardening workshops and presentations. Preregistration not required.

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