Animal Welfare on Select Board Agenda July 13

Past event
Jul 13, 2020, 6 PM

HI Everyone -

This Monday, July 13, at 6 p.m. the Brandon Select Board will be discussing animal welfare and the potential adoption of a new animal control ordinance. If you're interested in animal welfare and protecting animals from abuse and neglect, I encourage you to attend the meeting (call-in information is appended below), so that we have a rich discussion on the future of animal protection and animal welfare in Brandon. As we improve upon our ability to protect animals from abuse, the State of Vermont offers the following statutes that could be incorporated into a town ordinance. Feel free to email me if you'd like to talk further about any of the items below.

At the municipal level:

1) The Town of Brandon could adopt an animal control ordinance that includes the humane treatment of animal provisions under 24 VSA section 2291(21) to be enforced by the Animal Control Officer:

(21) To regulate, by means of a civil ordinance adopted pursuant to chapter 59 of this title, subject to the limitations of 13 V.S.A. § 351b and the requirement of 13 V.S.A. § 354(a), and consistent with the rules adopted by the Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Markets, pursuant to 13 V.S.A. § 352b(a), the welfare of animals in the municipality. Such ordinance may be enforced by humane officers as defined in 13 V.S.A. § 351, if authorized to do so by the municipality.


2) The Town of Brandon could empower a permanent Animal Control Officer position with humane officer training and sufficient powers to investigate and intervene when animal welfare is compromised, see 13 VSA section 354(c):

(c) A humane officer shall provide suitable care at a reasonable cost for an animal seized under this section, and have a lien on the animal for all expenses incurred. A humane officer may arrange for the euthanasia of a severely injured, diseased, or suffering animal upon the recommendation of a licensed veterinarian. A humane officer may arrange for euthanasia of an animal seized under this section when the owner is unwilling or unable to provide necessary medical attention required while the animal is in custodial care or when the animal cannot be safely confined under standard housing conditions. An animal not destroyed by euthanasia shall be kept in custodial care and provided with necessary medical care until final disposition of the criminal charges except as provided in subsections (d) through (h) of this section. The custodial caregiver shall be responsible for maintaining the records applicable to all animals seized, including identification, residence, location, medical treatment, and disposition of the animals.


3) The Town of Brandon, in coordination with the Animal Control Officer and the Brandon Police Department, could establish a set of agreed-upon procedures now, in discussion with all-involved veterinary clinics and animal sanctuaries, so that the next time animal cruelty occurs in Brandon we have a plan in place. These procedures would be public to ensure accountability and transparency.

We have an opportunity as a town to be proactive here and stand up for what's right and what's just. I hope we do that.

I hope you can join the conversation on Monday, July 13, at 6 p.m. Here's the call-in and video information:

Option 1: Video Conference This option is available only if:
You have a computer with a built-in or external camera and microphone (Zoom Software download required)
Have a phone with a built-in camera (Zoom App download required)
Visit: (This will prompt the download if you do not have the software/app already installed)
Meeting ID (253 279 4161)

Option 2: Conference Call: To dial in for audio only:
Dial: (929) 205 6099
Follow instructions to enter Meeting ID (253 279 4161) then confirm by hitting pound

Thanks, everyone!

Michael Shank

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