When: Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Where: Absentee ballot request by mail strongly encouraged or 7 AM – 7 PM at the Winooski Senior Center (123 Barlow Street)
Due to COVID-19, the City of Winooski and the Secretary of State's Office is encouraging everyone to vote by absentee ballot. Request your absentee ballot today by visiting https://mvp.vermont.gov.
If voters absolutely must vote in-person, the Winooski Senior Center (123 Barlow Street) will be open from 7 AM to 7 PM in accordance with Vermont State law and operational health and safety guidance from the Vermont Department of Health, where:
• A mask or face covering is required for building entry
• Only 10 people allowed to enter at a time
• Lines will form with a minimum 6' distance from others
You may have received a postcard entitled "Request for Early Absentee Voter Ballot" from the Secretary of State's Election Office. To request your Primary or General Election ballots, fill out the postcard and mail it back. Please do not fold and tape, simply tear off the return portion - the State has generously covered the cost of the postage but the United States Postal Service will be charging the City for folded and taped postcards. If you have already requested absentee ballots, ignore the postcard. Ballots will be mailed soon. Please note: There will be two ballots, one for the Primary Election, and one for the Winooski School District Treasurer. Voters will have to fill out and sign these separately, but they can be mailed back together in the postage-paid envelope. Questions? Feel free to email Carol Barrett, City Clerk: cbarrett@winooskivt.gov.
Registering to Vote
Residents are encouraged to register online at olvr.vermont.gov, however, you can register at Winooski City Hall on 27 West Allen Street. To have a voter registration form mailed to you, call the City Clerk's Office at 802 655 6410. There is no deadline to register, you may register to vote up to and including the day of the election. However, if you register online the day before the election or on Election Day, your application may not be processed and your name may not appear on the checklist and you may be asked to fill out another application at the polls. To be sure your name appears on the checklist, please register by the Friday before the election. Residents need to include your Vermont driver's license number or your Vermont Non-Driver ID number on the form. If you do not have a Vermont driver's license or a non-driver ID or your license has been suspended, you may use the last four digits of your social security number. If you are registering to vote in Vermont for the first time by mail, you must include a photocopy of an acceptable form of ID:
• Valid photo ID (driver's license or passport)
• Current utility bill
• Current bank statement
• Another government document
Election Resources
• Voting in Winooski: https://www.winooskivt.gov/voting
• Official Warning: https://bit.ly/3gFwifA
• Sample Ballots: https://bit.ly/31VnqOI
• Vermont Secretary of State Resources: https://bit.ly/2O54ip9
• Multilingual and Accessibility Resources: https://bit.ly/3ebU7dc
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