Lamoille Housing Partnership (LHP) invites you to celebrate 29 years of supporting Vermonters with safe, stable, affordable homes and apartments!
From the beginning, LHP's mission in action has been driven by our belief that all people regardless of income deserve a home, opportunities, and a good quality of life. Your support is interwoven in the impact of our work, and our 29 year legacy is made possible because of you.
Your belief in our mission has helped provide safety, comfort and stability to hundreds of local families and children, working Vermonters, aging and disabled neighbors, veterans, and people who have experienced homelessness. Your generosity has supported your neighbors to lead thriving, healthy, dignified lives. Your support helped bring to life shared community assets like Arthur's on Main in downtown Morrisville, School Street Apartments in Johnson, Sylvan Woods in Stowe, Bemis Block in downtown Hardwick, Mann's Meadow in Jeffersonville... and more.
Want to join our virtual celebration? Here are 3 ways to get involved:
#1. "What's your why?" Unselfie Campaign. Why do you believe affordable housing or having a home is important? Why do you support affordable housing? Tell us! Write down your "why," take a photo to post on Facebook and Instagram, use the hashtag #houselamoille and tag LHP, @lamoillehousing!
#2. Learn, advocate, take action! All week long on our social media channels, we'll be sharing our WHY'S, EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES about local and national housing issues, different ways you can TAKE ACTION as a housing advocate, THANKING our donors for their generosity, and how you can SUPPORT OUR WORK! Follow @lamoillehousing Facebook and Instagram!
#3. Make a gift! In honor of our 29th anniversary, we ask that if you're in a position to do so, to please make a gift of $29 to The Housing Opportunity Fund AND nominate a friend to make a matching gift! Gifts can be made safely and securely online, here:, or via a check made out to Lamoille Housing Partnership and mailed to PO Box 637, Morrisville VT 05661.
For more information, visit, or contact LHP Public Relations Manager Kerrie Lohr,
Lamoille Housing Partnership develops, rehabilitates and maintains safe, decent, energy efficient affordable housing through rental, home ownership, or other means to low and moderate income persons and families living within Lamoille County and the Town of Hardwick. LHP provides such assistance without discrimination or prejudice using a combination of private and public funding partnerships.