On Saturday, July 18 from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM, you will see something colorful on the Wells green. Turns out, its trees are perfectly socially distanced to do their part in offering free hodgepodge-style blue and purple craft bags for families.
Folks can show up anytime during library hours and take one bag per family while supplies last. Each bag will be tied to a tree with ribbon. Families can take the ribbon, too! "There is an array of seemingly unrelated items in each bag and it will be interesting to see what imaginative creations participants dream up. No two bags are alike, so each brainchild will be unique," says Gina Ellis, Librarian.
This is a light rain or shine, first come-first served event. If it storms, Saturday, July 25th is the alternate date. There are twelve participating trees. The library will make as many bags as possible with the supplies they have.
Families, then, are asked to share their creations with Gina anytime before Friday, July 31st through the library's Facebook page, email or by stopping by. Photos will be compiled into collages and shared early August on the library's new website as well as social media.
"Considering the pandemic has forced the cancellation of so many other community activities, this program is just one fun event that can spark imaginations, bring folks together toward the common goal of our final collages and still guard everyone's safety through social distancing," Gina explains.
The library would like to remind folks to stay a minimum of six feet apart and wear a mask while retrieving the bags.
Please direct your questions to Gina by calling 802.645.0611 or by emailing wellslibraryvt@gmail.com. Like the Wells Village Public Library on Facebook and check out their new website at www.WellsVillageLibrary.com.