July 7, 2020
5:30 pm
Socially distanced meeting in front of East Valley Community Hall, East Randolph
Bring your own (lawn) chair
1. Call to Order
2. Introductions and celebrations
3. Adjustments to Agenda (additions or change of order)
4. Secretary:
a. Approve Secretary report
5. Treasurer:
a. Approve Treasurer's report
6. Old business and Committee Updates
a. Grant Committee ( Lamson Howell, Windham, Byrne, Plus)
b. Hall Committee
c. Events Committee (Garden, Barn Quilts, Hall flowers, plus)
d. Public Relations Committee (FPF, Website, plus)
e. Capital Campaign Committee (Start Date, Pledges, Donations, Logo, Forms, plus)
f. Welcome sign to East Valley status
a. Update on Non-profit application
b. Village Designation status
c. RFP status
7. New Business.
a. Clock
b. Other
8. Next meeting: first Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 5:30 pm place: TBD
9. Adjourn