Spring Egg Hunt

Past event
Apr 19, 2014, 2 to 3:30 PM

Little kids (with helpers) and bigger kids, up through grade 6, are invited to the Salisbury Public Library on Saturday April 19 from 2 to 3:30 in the afternoon, for a SPRING EGG HUNT ~ Rain or Shine!

~ Color a picture of your prettiest egg. (win a prize!)
~ Help your team with the Spoon and Egg race!
~ Wear a costume if you'd like to!
~ Hunt for hidden eggs!
~ Be on time!!

Please bring baskets to collect eggs (bags will be provided to empty eggs into.) No dogs please. Please RSVP by calling
Barbara Andres (352-6671) or Peggy Cox (352-4409), or Mary Burchard (352-4541) by Thursday April 17th

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