First Week for Public Access to RFL Building

Past event
Jul 5, 2020

The staff of the Roxbury Free Library have prepared the following plan for reopening the RFL building to the public ( Though we will not be able to guarantee a risk free environment, we are confident the response plan presented here will result in a low risk environment and safeguard patrons from potential disease transmission from both staff and other patrons. The RFL Board of Trustees has been regularly reviewing the drafts of this plan over the last couple of months and approved the final plan summarized here on the 23rd of June 2020. While our intention is to be as consistent as possible going forward, please be aware the details outlined here may change as circumstances require. Operations at the RFL will be evaluated weekly and details of the RFL Response Plan may change based on the experiences of staff and patrons as well as guidance from the state and federal governments. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we move forward.

Here is a summary of what you need to know:

We are implementing a phased reopening starting the week of July 5th.

Phase 1 will offer two weeks of pre-scheduled visits to the RFL for 30 minute blocks of time. (call or email us to schedule a block) Limits on the length of visits and occupancy are in place to help protect patrons, staff, and the collection in all phases.

After evaluation of the first phase, Phase 2 will offer some walk-in service hours in addition to reserved blocks.

Curbside and home delivery will continue to be options for acquiring library materials if you are still not excited about coming inside the facility.

Staff are taking the necessary steps to reduce the risk of virus transmission and we expect visitors to do the same (i.e. wearing a face mask).

The RFL COVID-19 Post is still the best place to find up to date information on our operations. (link below and the full RFL COVID-19 Response Plan is also available there) Last week we received notice of updated data related to quarantining library materials specifically. As a result, we have updated our quarantine procedures to isolate materials for 3 days after they are received at the RFL and then check them in and shelve after the 3rd day.

removed from box on Tues =checked in on Sat.
removed from box on Thur = checked in on Tues.
removed from box on Sat. = checked in on Thur.

Please return materials to the outside book return when you feel comfortable doing so. We do not want to ask you do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable.

Like always, we still are not charging any fees for materials that are returned to us past the due date.

Inter library Loan is starting to open back up again, but it is variable as so many libraries are operating in different capacities still.

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