Free Group Telegathering July 11

Past event
Jul 11, 2020, 11 AM

FIND INNER PEACE AND CAM AMID THESE TRYING TIMES-You are invited to a free healing experience via phone with Rhonda Lenair renown healer,and founder of The Self(s) Healing Experience SHE. SHE is a transformational life changing encounter that is legendary for producing miracles for over 3 decades.Visit to learn more. On this group conference call you will be primed to enter and be centered in the sanctity of pure multitudinous bliss and love.During these confusing and challenging times of uncertainty; that can produce worry and fear, Rhonda will provide words that will lift and lighten your spirit and nourish your soul.. Space is limited; so if you wish to attend please RSVP by calling 802 537-3222 or emailing your name and phone number to receive the call in number.This free event is gifted to all.

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