Ninevah Foundation Virtual Conservation Chat

Past event
Jul 15, 2020, 1 to 2 PM

Join us for a chat about basic concepts of forest stewardship and why goal setting can help landowners promote diverse forests and wildlife habitat. As a large landowner in Vermont, Ninevah Foundation has a forest stewardship plan that helps us set goals for our forest management. We will share examples of how this plan is used to support our mission and conservation efforts.

Guest speaker Hannah Dallas, Vermont Southern Windsor County forester, will also join us to chat and answer questions about forest stewardship for large landowners and conservation organizations like Ninevah Foundation. Do you have any questions about forest stewardship you would like answered? Feel free to send them ahead of time to

If you are new to this topic, or want to learn more about Ninevah Foundation's forest stewardship goals, or just want to join the conversation, please join us for this casual chat. All ages and levels of interest are welcome!

We will do a short presentation about the basic concepts of forest stewardship, Ninevah Foundation stewardship planning, and then open it up for questions.

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We will email you the Zoom meeting link closer to the start of the event

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