Newbury Book Discussion Group

Past event
Jul 2, 2020, 7 to 8 PM

The Newbury Book Discussion Group plans to meet Thursday, July 2, 7 - 8 PM at the Tenney Memorial Library. This month we will be discussing Andy Weir's "The Martian." Be sure to bring a mask to wear in the library and you might want to throw a chair in your car in case we decide the evening is nice enough to sit outside. Haven't read the book? It may be possible to find the movie on streaming (the book was created to coincide with the movie, so they are pretty similar). At any rate, plan to join us (at a 6' distance!!) and in addition to the discussion we'll choose our book for August. If you have never attended our discussion group before, we are excited to meet you. However, please contact me ahead of time just so that we are sure we don't exceed the allowed number in the library. Thanks -

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