Imagine: 5 Days of Fantasy and Wonder

Past event
Aug 10, 9 AM to 12 PM, Aug 14, 2020

Call NOW to reserve your space at Pawlet Public Library's summer camp for grades 1-6. Read stories about castles, fairies, gnomes, Japanese Oni monsters, dragons, and unicorns. Make your own castle flag, build a fairy/gnome rock garden, paint a Japanese Oni mask then dance and drum, make dragon scales and eggs, and create your own unicorn horn! Camp is indoors and outdoors. Each camper receives a colorful cloth bag and a fairy tale anthology book. FREE! Bring your own snack.

Note: If we determine at a later date that in person programming is not possible, campers can stop by the Library's curbside pickup for a "take and make" activity each camp day to share with their family at home. Reservations are required because space is very limited. Call the library at 802-325-3123 today!

Sponsored by Stewart's Holiday Match, Children's Literacy Foundation, and Vermont Department of Libraries

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