Irasburg Selectboard Meeting

Past event
Jun 24, 2020, 5:30 PM

Irasburg Selectboard Meeting
Wednesday, June 24th, 2020 @ 5:30pm
To participate contact 754-2242 to make arrangements or email

o 5:30pm. Call Meeting to order
o 5:32pm. Additions or deletions to the agenda
o 5:35pm. Review and approve minutes of June 12th and June 10th meetings
o 5:40pm. Public comment
o 5:45pm. Possibly adopt L.E.O.P
o 6:00pm. Road updates:
 Town Garage signage
 Roadside mowing quotes
 Gravel
 FEMA- Dupuis Road structure decision
o 6:30pm. Copier return discussion
o 6:35pm. COVID-19 office adjustments cost/decision
o 6:40pm. Review and approve order #13 bills and payroll and amended order #12 bills
o 6:50pm. Revisit status of employee policy revision
o 7:00pm Cold Climate Heat Pump discussion/decision
o 7:15pm Gazebo discussion/next steps
o 7:30pm. Correspondence: over weight permits, request from Orleans Essex VNA
o 7:35pm. Adjourn

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