During last Monday's Selectboard meeting a lot of people expressed support for community action to build racial equity and awareness. Rather than having the Selectboard take the lead, the goal was for Richmond residents themselves to come forward and share their ideas.
The first meeting of a group with this focus will be this Tuesday (June 23) at 7 pm via Zoom.
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Here is a the most recent proposed agenda:
Purpose / Scope of this group - define what priorities we think we can address as a volunteer community group
* What do you call the committee?
* Focus on things we can do and offer as a town
* Are there goals we have as a town?
* What questions/educational opportunities do we have and want to see answers for?
What can we do in the next 30 days?
* Arrange small and/or virtual community forums
*Market a resource center - books, websites, state and regional events, video, etc.
* Engage other groups - Richmond Senior Center, Western Slopes Business Association, Richmond Historical Society, Richmond Library, others?
* other ideas?
What are the regional and state or national organizations that we can identify for credible information and resources?
* The Vermont Human Right Commission, The Vermont Racial Justice Alliance, Peace and Justice Center, Vermont Legal Aid, Hunger free VT, Vermont Migrant Justice...
What things can be changed to have lasting effects?
* How do we ensure this moment lives on to engage people in awareness and change?
* Brainstorm big ideas
Next Steps
* Need to identify a "chair" or leads to carry this forward
* Selectboard meeting update on 7/6
This meeting is open to all residents of Richmond -- including our under-18 residents, who may have a great deal to say on this topic. Please make plans to attend, and pass the word on to others you think might be interested.
Jan 20, 2025, 12 to 6 PM
Jericho Planning CommissionJan 21, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Starksboro Historical Society Annual MeetingJan 27, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM