The continued public hearing, recessed March 24th, will resume on Tuesday 23 June 2020 at 6:00 PM at the Morristown Municipal Offices in the Community Room of the Old Tegu Theatre at 43 Portland Street, Morrisville. The Morristown/Morrisville Planning Council hereby provides notice of a public hearing being held pursuant to State Law 24 VSA, Chapter 117, §4302, §4410 & §4441 for the purpose of hearing public comments on proposed amendments to the Morrisville/Morristown Zoning and Subdivision Bylaws. These amendments are being adopted in accordance with 24 VSA Chapter 117 §4302, §4410, §4411, §4412, §4413 & 4414.
Morrisville/Morristown Zoning and Subdivision Bylaws Table of Contents (abbreviated):
General Provisions / Zone Establishment & Regulation / Special Protection Areas / General & Special Regulations / Administration & Enforcement / Subdivision Application & Approval Procedure / Subdivision Requirements & Design Standards / Definitions / Zone Boundaries
Morrisville/Morristown Zoning and Subdivision Bylaws Statement of Purpose: To provide for orderly community growth, to provide for public health, safety, welfare, and to achieve the purposes set forth in the Vermont Development Act 24 VSA Chapter 117 and the Town Plan.
The proposed amendments to the zones in the Morrisville/ Morristown Zoning and Subdivision Bylaws are:
a. §204.4 Increase maximum waiver allowance from 15% to 25% and update criteria language
b. §204.5a Revise "use matrix" to add the Firewood Processing use & Recreation use to IND Zone
c. §204.5a Revise "use matrix" for Health Care use in the Hospital Zone from Cond. to Permitted
d. §204.5a Change definition of Lodging or Rooming House to Short-Term Housing
e. §204.5b Change Minimum Lot Size in the Commercial zone to 10,000 ft2
f. §206 Housekeeping and add front porch requirement for certain multi-family & commercial uses
g. §207 Increase maximum front setback allowance & change historic preservation criteria
h. §323 Only require free-board for substantial improvements in the flood hazard area
i. §344 Change to only regulate development lot, not soils and drainage of adjoining properties
j. §401.1 Restate permit exemptions found elsewhere in the definition of Structure
k. §402.1 Tie permit expiration language to the approved permit use changing
l. §404 Housekeeping for Other Permits and Regulations regarding Act 250
m. §405.4 Delete second reference to "Lot Line Setbacks" from 405.2, see definition of Structure
n. §422.c Clarify that 20 foot right-of-way allowance can be used for 2 single-family homes or 1 duplex
o. §423.4 Alter the way accessory apartment size is calculated, change is otherwise deminimis
p. §451 Housekeeping changes to clarify submittal requirements for parking waiver
q. §453 Minimum parking ratio changes for CB & HDR Zones & name change for short-term rentals
r. §470 Alter permit process for signs, housekeeping, including clarifying prohibited signs
s. §485.8 Allows DRB to consider extension of a non-conforming gravel operation
t. §490 Add limited lighting exemption for public art on public property
u. §505 Housekeeping changes for landscaping standards
v. §510 Make various changes to conservation subdivision purposes & open space requirements
w. §622 Increase zoning fines to mesh with current State statute
x. §635.6 Delete affordability requirement for on-site property manager housing
y. §840.3 Remove arbitrariness of required sewer line expansions, tie to the sewer ordinance distance
z. §900 Definitions: Housekeeping change for the Home Business definition, Subdivision definition, and Sale of Goods Produced On-Site definition, Setback definition, clarify the Building Height definition, change Lodging or Rooming House definition and rename it Short-Term Rentals, add Firewood Processing definition, & delete unnecessary definition for Open Space
aa. §1000 Housekeeping for Low Density Residential Zone along Meadow Drive.
Location where full text may be examined: For copies of the full text, please contact Todd Thomas at 888-6373 ( or the Town Clerk's Office on Portland Street.
Please note that masks must be warned in the Town Offices for the hearing.