Drive-Thru Foal Days at UVM Morgan Horse Farm June 20 & 27

Past event
Jun 20, 2020, 10 AM to 12 PM

We are excited to share that we will welcome visitors for a "drive-thru" Foal Days this Saturday June 20th and June 27th.
- 10am-12pm
- Visitors drive up and alongside the outdoor arena, where several UVM Morgans will be turned out, including the 2020 raffle horse
- UVM Freya and her 2020 filly will be in a round pen near the line of traffic- hello photo ops!
- Morgan Horse Farm Apprentices will work horses on the lawn
- Visitors are encouraged to take photos while driving slowly in a loop on the farm's driveway.
- We request only Vermonters and those who have adhered to the Vermont State quarantine requirements should attend. Please visit for the most up-to-date information.
- Guests should be considerate of each other and the staff, and must abide by social distancing requirements, including maintaining 6' between vehicles & wearing masks.
- Unfortunately, we will not have bathrooms available for the public. Guests must stay in their vehicles.
- No admission will be charged, but donations are needed and appreciated.
- In the case of inclement weather, this event will be cancelled.

For questions or more information, please email

Last weekend was a great success and hope this next two Saturdays will be as well! We look forward to seeing you!

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