Selectboard Meeting June 8

Past event
Jun 8, 2020, 5:30 to 9 PM

The meeting packet can be viewed here:

The agenda includes the following:
5:30 PM Adjustments to the agenda
5:31 PM Thompson's Point lease: Lot 50 at 2751 Thompson's Point Road
• Terminate lease to Hodges Family LLC
• Approve a new 20 year lease to Kenneth J. Bogdanowicz
5:35 PM Request for Bids for sitework at Library
5:50 PM Recreation/Beach update—navigating COVID-19
6:10 PM Open bids for trail construction of State Park Road section of the Town Link Trail
6:20 PM Pay rate for Assistant Clerk/Treasurer—discuss estimate from Gallagher, Flynn & Co. for professional assessment of market adjustment request
6:35 PM Net Metering Agreement—comparison of bids
7:05 PM Jason Hutchins et. al.—Open Space Agreement
7:15 PM Chittenden Solid Waste District FY21 budget—presentation by Sarah Reeves, CSWD Executive Director
7:30 PM Discussion of resumption of in-person Selectboard meetings at Town Hall
7:45 PM Revise job scoring for Zoning Administrator for the following factors: contact frequency, contact nature and personal time, based on prior changes to job description
7:50 PM Approve hours and pay-rates for employees for FY21
8:00 PM Contract with Cummings Electric to install Electric Vehicle Charger at Town Hall parking lot
8:30 PM Offer of employment for position of Town Planner
8:45 PM Update re: request by KR Properties for partial refund of permitting fees due to designation of open space
9:00 PM Selectboard updates
9:05 PM Minutes: May 26, June 1, June 2, June 3, 2020
9:10 PM Approve warrants to pay bills
9:15 PM Personnel issue (likely executive session)
9:20 PM Adjournment

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