Warren Prayer Flag Display

Past event
Jul 4, 8 AM to 5 PM, Jul 10, 2020

Warren Prayer Flag Display
May the 4th be with You!

To honor our cherished tradition of celebrating Independence Day and the spirit of our vibrant community, efforts are underway to display an extravaganza of hand-painted prayer flags throughout Warren Village during the July 4th weekend and the following weeks of July.

The installation takes inspiration from the Himalayan prayer flag tradition of promoting peace, compassion, strength and wisdom in concert with the winds to spread our collective prayers and mantras.

All are invited to participate in this community event by making their own flag(s) and delivering them to the designated locations below by June 21st .
Participants may create one flag or a whole string of them. They may work independently or in collaboration with others.

Flag makers are encouraged to use any cotton material to make their flag squares and to create them using weather resistant paint (acrylic, latex house paint, sharpie markers) in square format up to 12". Be certain to allow at least a 1" border at the top of the square to allow for attachment of the flag to the connecting string.

Viewing of the display will be via self-guided automobile, bike or foot tour at anytime during the display's installation. There will no specific gathering time, nor any lingering in groups.

For more information, contact:
Audrey Mosley: Oddly@madriver.com
Trish Hopkins: outdoors@gmavt.net
Liz Harris: Lizmaysharris@gmail.com
Beth Kendrick: eyepaint@wcvt.com

Designated flag drop-off points:
Drop off completed individual flags or completed strings of flags by June 21st
Warren: Audrey Mosley's house (Main Street)
Waitsfield: Village Grocery and Beth Kendrick's home (952 North Rd)
Moretown: Liz Harris's home (Main St)

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