Pick Up Free Meals This Friday!

Past event
Jun 5, 2020, 3 to 5 PM

Lamoille Area Health and Human Services Response Center (LAH2S-RCC), in partnership with Cambridge Rotary, Smuggler's Notch Resort, and Lamoille County Mental Health is pleased to announce that SHIFT MEALS will be available THIS FRIDAY!
These meals are available for Cambridge and Johnson residents of all ages and income levels and we hope you spread the word, so they reach those who need them. Meals are made by local restaurants like the Skinny Pancake and packed in portions providing one generous serving. For more information, contact Heather Hobart at hhobart@lrcvt.org.

Pickup location: Cambridge Elementary School parking lot
Pickup Times:
June 5 3-5pm
June 12 3-5pm
June 18 3-5pm

Important information regarding pick-up protocol:
• Please do not come if you are sick.
• Please only send one person per household to come for pickup but you can pick up for your neighbors that need assistance.
• We will not provide or handle any outside bags. Please bring your own bag, if you wish.
• Please honor social distancing and maintain 6′ of space between yourself and other in the pickup line.
• You must take any food you touch.
• Keep the line moving. Do not touch anything or anyone other than your meals.
• Masks are encouraged.

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