Green Up Bags & Dandelion Salad

Past event
May 30, 2020, 8 AM to 3 PM

Hello, all -

Tomorrow is our COVID-delayed Green Up Day, that annual community-wide scavenger hunt for other people's trash. On Thursday, I left Green Up bags at the Town Offices at 5 Church Street, Rumney School and at the old Fire Department on Shady Rill, right by the Bolduc metal receptacle. Picking up trash at the end of May is a little more of a challenge than at the beginning of May when the weeds haven't run roughshod. Shout out to the good people of Anheuser-Busch for thoughtfully bottling beer in visible bright blue cans, I discovered today when I greened up Story Road, fishing for empties among the waves of dandelions.

Speaking of dandelions, if you're having a hard time finding fresh, affordable, nutritious spring greens, you can't do much better than your garden-variety dandelion - provided they haven't been sprayed by...anything. When my Lithuanian grandmother wasn't, er, entertaining sailors down at the Baltimore Navy yards, she was feeding her family on these. The French can't understand why we don't eat them. (Add it to the list.) I try to find the youngest and most tender leaves and make a dressing of a little minced shallot, some red-wine vinegar, olive oil, mustard, grated parmesan, ground pepper and one anchovy filet pureed in those little food processors. My German mother would use a Pennsylvania Dutch bacon dressing which kind of defeats the point of eating salad, but whatever - a bit of hot bacon grease, red-wine vinegar, a bit of mustard, pepper, a little sugar and, of course, diced bacon. Keep it warm.

Dandelions are anti-inflammatory, packed with Vitamin C, lower blood pressure, help stabilize blood sugar, aid in weight loss and are therapeutic for the liver which, judging from the contents of my Green Up Day bag, some of us might find to be kinda beneficial.

See you on the road tomorrow!

Sarah Merriman
Town Clerk/Select Board Assistant

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