Public Warning of Development Hearing(s)

Past event
Jun 11, 2020, 6 to 8 PM

The Development Review Board will conduct a hearing on the following application at their meeting on June 11, 2020 at 6:00 PM in the Municipal Building Community Room at 43 Bombardier Road, Milton, Vermont:

Brock Rouse, applicant, is requesting Final Approval for a proposed 3-lot subdivision located at 88 Main Street, described as Book 374 & Page 424, SPAN 396-123-13053, Parcel #135039.000000. The subject property is recorded as having 3.11 acres and is located within the Main Street (M6) zoning district and the Town Core planning area, and the Old Towne sub-area.

John & Eileen Sonnick Revocable Trust, applicant, is requesting Final Approval for a proposed 2-lot subdivision located at 24 Maplewood Avenue, described as Book 484 & Page 622, SPAN 396-123-13339, Parcel #134032.000000. The subject property is recorded as having 1.48 acres and is located within the Old Towne Residential (R1) Zoning District, the Town Core Planning Area, and the Old Towne Sub-Planning Area.

Interested members of the public are encouraged to attend the hearing. Participation in the local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. To determine if you may qualify as an interested person, please contact the number below. Plans of the proposed project and staff notes are available from the Department of Planning & Economic Development, 43 Bombardier Road, Milton, Vermont during regular business hours and posted online at least two days prior to the meeting at Please note that these materials will NOT be handed out to the public at the meeting. Please contact (802) 893-1186 if you have any questions or comments.

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