The City of Winooski is joining Green Up Vermont to celebrate 50 years of Green Up Day!
Green Up Day was launched in 1970 and remains one of Vermont's most beloved traditions. The annual statewide event invites volunteers to remove litter from roadsides and public spaces in an effort to promote our state's natural landscape and the livability of our communities. As you may have heard, this year's event has been postponed to Saturday, May 30, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
"We are excited to get out and clean up Vermont with safe social distance, gloves and masks. Although this Green Up Day will be different than any other we have experienced, it will not hinder the pride in our civic service, the connection to our communities, and love of this spring tradition that makes our state shine." - Green Up Vermont
Green Up Day in Winooski
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Pick a road, grab a bag, and do your part! Green Up bags will be available at the following locations:
· O'Brien Community Center (32 Malletts Bay Ave)
· Winooski Senior Center (123 Barlow St.)
· Richard's Park
Bags will be available from 9 AM to 12 PM where limited staff will provide you with info, safety sheets, and to answer questions from a safe, minimum distance of 6'. Please leave your filled bags near a dedicated drop off sign or on the side of the road where they are easily visible. Keep everyone's health and safety in mind when you're out and about - remember to view the Vermont Department of Health Green Up Day tips and adhere to all social distancing best practices.
Call or email our Volunteer Coordinator, Olivia Miller: / 802 655 1392
For more information on Green Up Day, visit
Jan 28, 2025, 5:30 to 6:30 PM
Come Meet City Council Candidate Allie SchachterJan 31, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM
1:1 Tech Assistance at Winooski LibraryFeb 1, 2025, 11 AM to 1 PM