Share Woodworking, Sculpture and Carpentry Projects

Past event
May 28, 2020, 6 to 7:30 PM

Join Bennington Area Makers (BAM) on Thursday evening, May 28, at 6:00 pm for a look at the woodworking and carpentry projects that your neighbors are working on. Kate Reid and John Carlson will lead us off with a tour of their custom woodworking shop in Cambridge, NY. Bill Botzow will share some of his more recent sculpture made with salvaged wood from a small woodland in Pownal. Join us to share your own creations or just join to be inspired! This is a time to informally share what you are doing, ask questions, and get new ideas for projects.

Registration is required, but free:

A Zoom meeting link will be sent to registrants the day of the meeting. For more information about Bennington Area Makers, visit our website,, or find us on facebook at

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