Huge Yard Sale Swett Road Danville

Past event
May 22, 2020, 9 AM to 2 PM

Huge Yard Sale!

FRIDAY MAY 22 and SUNDAY May 24th. Hours are 9am to 2pm. First Yard Sale of the Year! Everything must go!

Lots of tools, horse supplies (tack, blankets, brushes, saddles, heating bucket), household items, kids and women's clothing, some jewelry, dvds and cds, books, toys, furniture, paintings, prints, twin bed, coffee table, mirror and entry table set, wet and dry shop vac, antique sled, plastic sleds, vintage snowshoes, bench grinder, skis, tomato cages, animal fencing, extension cords, tires summer/winter, air conditioners, storage trunk, cooler, tire chains, power tools, pet carriers, gardening supplies, lots of planting pots, ladders, free pile and much much more Dodge Dakota truck with leer cap/roof rack and Bayliner boat available for sale.

Items located all around garage and barn, inside the garage and barn allowing plenty of space for social distancing.

Face masks and social distancing requested. 283 Swett Rd Danville, VT

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