Albany Community Drive-Thru Meal!

Past event
May 23, 2020, 2 to 5 PM

SIGN UP: Fill out form: or by calling our Albany Neighbors Task Force Helpline at 323-1517!
Given these times, we cannot hold our community meals in person. But we miss you! Remember drive-thru movies? The Albany Neighbors Task Force put together a "drive-thru community meal" to stay safe while staying connected with one another.
Our first drive-thru Albany Community Meal is on Saturday, May 23rd, between 2-5pm at the Albany United Methodist Church!
Menu: Ham, potato salad, coleslaw, and homemade roll.
If you need delivery, please indicate while signing up! We have volunteers eager to help their neighbors stay safe and well fed.
If you would also be interested in volunteering, or need assistance in other ways, please fill out The Albany Neighbors Task Force's Albany Area Coronavirus Needs & Volunteer Sign-up at

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