May (Bagged) Plainfield Community-Supported Supper

Past event
May 26, 2020, 6 to 7 PM

We're in the groove... and will be presenting our next Bagged Soup 'n Fixins Community Supper a week from today - on Tuesday, May 26th. Pickup is between 6 and 7 p.m. at Grace United Methodist Church. (Please observe the posted safe pickup suggestions.) Undistributed suppers will be available between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. at Onion River Food Shelf in Marshfield on May 29th.

Each bag holds a Two-Portion container of soup (a choice from 4 kinds) plus 2 slices of bread, an apple & a baked dessert.

Our thanks to Joe's Kitchen for discounted soup and Red Hen Bakery for their donation of bread, as will as our family and individual donors toward the $350 each month of our costs. And our volunteer help in the kitchen is very much appreciated. If you wish to contribute toward the June 23rd supper - any amount from $5 on up can be sent to us through Venmo (@ SalmonFallsSangha) or as a check by mail to Salmon Falls Sangha, 123 Hudson Ave., Plainfield 05667

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