Free Kids Craft Kits!

Past event
May 23, 2020, 10 AM to 2 PM

EXCITING NEWS!! starting Saturday, May 23rd the Swanton Public Library will be offering free kids craft kits! The kits will be available from 10AM -2PM during our curbside pick up hours. The kits will be "first come first serve" and we will not be holding any. The kits will be located on a cart by the main door on the side of the building. Please observe social distancing practices (only one person at the cart at a time.)

The kits available this week will be potted handprint lilies (15 sets available) and 3 little pigs puppet theater (25 sets available) Kits include directions and supplies to complete the craft.

Reminder we are doing curbside book pickup now, available on Wednesdays 2pm-6pm and Saturdays from 10am-2pm by appointment. To reserve books and set up a pickup time email the library at or call us at 868-7656.

Follow this link to view images of craft projects:

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