Bicycle "Ride of Silence": a Little Different This Year

Past event
May 20, 2020, 5:30 to 7 PM

Hello all! For the past several years, I've organized a Northfield "Ride of Silence" on the 3rd Wednesday of May. This event, part of the International Ride of Silence movement, is to honor all bicyclists and pedestrians hurt or killed in road accidents, and to remind everyone to "share the road" safely with ALL road users--on bikes, on foot, in wheelchairs, with strollers, on motorcycles, with dogs.

This year, because of the Coronavirus, the international organizing committee is asking that bicyclists ride separately, or in family/household groups, rather than riding in one group. If people want to ride at different times, that is fine too--the "official" alternate time is Saturday, May 23 at 10:00 AM. The weather looks great all week!

Our typical ride here in Northfield has been from the Common to the Roxbury Cemetery, about 6 miles south on Rt. 12A. If you make this or some other ride for the Ride of Silence this year, send me a photo of your group or individual rider, and I'll post it on the Ride of Silence website:

These rides should be in silence, at a moderate pace; all riders should wear helmets, and ride safely and legally.

Questions? Feel free to phone Tim Swartz at 802-225-8921, or email me using the "email author" button below.

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