The United Church of Northfield will begin its restoration of Howe's Hall on May 20, 2020. Youth Build will be doing the floor demo of this important church and community Hall. In preparing for this we have been going through all the things in the hall and separating out the things we don't want or need anymore. The public will have the opportunity to rummage through this stuff and take what you want for FREE. Donations are welcome. Until recently the hall has been in regular use by AA, Washington County Child Center Playgroup, Dirt Road Theater, Boy Scouts, Prevent Child Abuse Vermont, Darn Tough training meetings, Dog River Collaborative, Zumba, Coffee House entertainment and community suppers. We want to invite more community use when we get the Hall restoration completed.
Join us at:
356 Central Street, Northfield, VT
9 A.M.- 4 P.M. May 23 and 24
We will be under cover in the event of rain.
Bags will be provided. Please observe 6 feet social distancing and wear a facemask/covering. Thanks.
Call 802 485-8347 for more information.