City Council Special Meeting

Past event
May 18, 2020


The City Council is scheduled to meet on Monday, May 18, 2020, starting at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be virtual. You may participate and/or observe in one of the following ways:

1. Watch on YouTube or on Burlington Telecom Channel 317. The YouTube link is:
2. Join via Zoom:
3. Dial in for audio only at 312-626-6799 webinar ID 931 0000 3435

The Council meeting will begin with a presentation and expected executive session on CityPlace. This will be the first communication we have received since the COVID pandemic hit. After this discussion, we will receive an update from UVM and Burlington Code Enforcement on spring move out day for UVM students . The next item is a standing agenda to report on Climate Emergency initiatives and updates. This is an open item and will be on every Council agenda moving forward.

Our deliberative agenda includes the following items: (1) a communication on a proposed amendment to the design contact for the Champlain Parkway. The proposed amendment is for design work and will increase the current contract amount by approximately $825,000 to just over $12.4 million. The local match obligation is 2% or $16,499. The amendment will extend the contract date from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020; (2) a proposed ordinance amendment regarding excavation and obstruction permits. This is an amendment to bring fees current and update antiquated language in the existing ordinance; (3) a public hearing on Community Development Block Grants; (4) a resolution to amend the development agreement for Cambrian Rise to increase the number of housing units at Cambrian Rise from 770 units to 950 units to account for changing market conditions; (5) a resolution regarding accelerating the process for input and proposals on the decarbonization and electrification of buildings; (6) a resolution requiring all customers to wear face coverings in retail stores. Today the Governor announced that local city councils and select boards could require face coverings in local stores. I was happy to cosponsor this resolution and hope this will further ensure safe interaction as our economy slowly restarts; and (7) a resolution regarding the removal of the "Everyone Loves a Parade" Mural. The resolution calls for removing the mural before August 29, 2022 and directs the City Attorney's Office to notify the artist immediately to satisfy the required 90-day notice period as per our agreement with the artist. It asks the City Council and the Department of Public Works to work together and by August 31, 2020 to remove the mural to a suitable site in the city for storage until a recommended plan can be developed; and further asks City departments continue to work together, in consultation with the City Council Parks, Arts & Culture Committee, for a recommendation to this Council for the relocation or disposition of the mural no later than September 30, 2020.

Public forum will be held at time certain of 7:30 p.m. Anyone seeking to speak must notify the City of the desire to speak by sending an email to

Thank you,

Chip Mason

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