Virtual Symposium: the Centennial of Women's Suffrage

Past event
May 16, 2020, 2 PM

Ethan Allen Homestead Museum unveils an exciting new virtual symposium: The Centennial of Women's Suffrage this Saturday debuting at 2. Four Vermont-based presenters bring to life the history and stories of the suffrage movement and its impact for Abenaki Women in Vermont, for Native Americans in Federally Recognized Tribes, for African American women, and in the role of education for women and girls.

Available as four on-demand videos afterward, symposium presenters include: Melody Walker on "Navigating Freedom in Two Worlds"; Beverly Little Thunder with "On the Shoulders of our Ancestors and Mother Earth"; Kathryn Dungy on "…the courage of their convictions: African American Women in the Fight for Women's Suffrage"; and, Susan Ouellette presents on "Emma Willard, Women's Education, and the Campaign for Women's Suffrage." This event is presented by the @ethanallenhomestead in partnership with @VermontCommissionOnWomen, @VTSuffrage2020, and @LWVofVT.

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