Pope Memorial Library Plant and Bake Sale

Past event
May 30, 2020, 10 AM to 1 PM

While having to cancel most of our fundraisers we decided to hold our annual plant and bake sale. Unfortunately, the book sale is on hold. We believe we can have the plant sale and observe physical distancing. We're hoping that with all this free time on our hands you all have been planting seeds and potting up a storm. We're asking for donations of perennials, annuals, vegetable plants and house plants. This sale will happen on Sat. May 30, on the green. We anticipate lots of traffic passing by, with folks headed back and forth to bulky waste. We hope you can help us out and donate plants! We ask that plants be labeled with the type and color, if possible. Donations can be dropped off at the library starting Friday, May 29. Please have plants to us by Sat. May 30 at 8:30. We hope to see you - well your eyes, anyway. Wear a mask, please. Questions? Call or e mail us. 684-2256 or popememoriallibrary@yahoo.com

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