GreenUp Day in Vermont is having its 50th anniversary on Saturday, 5/30, and Pownal is participating on a scaled-back basis. We won't have the traditional picnic Tom Shuey makes so much fun. We will have free day at the transfer station for what you collect. And there will be tiny houses!
Speaking of tiny houses: Parents, please hit reply to this notice on FFP and let us know where you'll be cleaning up. We'd love to hide a tiny house nearby. For a preview of the houses, suggestions and more information, please like us on our Pownal Proud Facebook page (see pownalgreenandclean).
GreenUp Day is a great way to model civic responsibility and caring for the earth to our kids. The hidden tiny houses make it more of a scavenger hunt. All you have to do is hand the kids a green bag (available at the transfer station) and give them a hand. We also have ice cream cone vouchers from Stewart's Shops for young helpers. And it can be done 6 feet apart. In fact, that makes the clean-up more efficient and you cover more ground!