North Benn. Annual and Reg. Meeting Via Zoom May 12, 7pm

Past event
May 12, 2020, 7 to 9 PM

Village of North Bennington
Board of Trustees
Tuesday, May 12, 2020 – Village Depot Offices – 7:00 PM
ANNOUNCEMENT: The Village of North Bennington Trustees will hold its Annual
Village Meeting AND its regular meeting for business on May 12, 2020 at 7pm.
This is in accordance with H.681 (section 6).
Information on how to access the meeting:

• will be the videoconference provider
• You will need to download and install the Zoom software on your computer or smartphone to access the video functionality.

• You will be prompted to download the software if you haven't already and attempt to join the meeting.

• You may participate by telephone only if you cannot or do not wish to download the computer software.

• The meeting will be recorded and broadcast live via CAT-TV facebook live feed.

• The meeting will be recorded and accessible through the CAT-TV channel.

• A password will be required to enter the meeting to ensure security. It is listed below.

• To ensure smooth access, we recommend that you test your remote meeting software in advance of the meeting. If you have difficulty accessing the meeting, please email John Lamson, Chair at
• To join via computer use the following weblink:
Meeting ID: 827 3726 3960
Password: 824993
• To join via smartphone use One tap mobile by dialing:
+13126266799,,82737263960#,,1#,824993# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,82737263960#,,1#,824993# US (New York)
• To join via telephone dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 827 3726 3960
Password: 824993
Find your local number:
• Please review our "Informational Handout for Remote Meetings" to
understand how these electronic meetings will be managed. Available at
handout-remote-public-meetings If you wish to make a
public comment but do not have the ability to comment remotely during
the meeting, please email your comments to John Lamson, Chair at
1) Annual Meeting will proceed promptly at 7pm. Please see WARNING below
and in Annual Report for items for discussion.
2) Regular May meeting of Trustees will proceed at approximately 8pm.
Please see Agenda for items for discussion.
The legal voters of the Village of North Bennington, in the Town of
Bennington and the State of Vermont, are hereby notified and warned to
meet at the Village School of North Bennington in said village on Tuesday,
March 17, 2020 at Seven-Thirty in the afternoon to transact the following
business, VIZ:
1) To hear and dispose of the reports of the Village Officers for the year.

2) To see what sum the Village will vote to cover appropriations made at this meeting and for the current and incidental expenses or authorize the trustees to borrow the necessary funds for that purpose; authorize the trustees to spend unanticipated revenue; and also authorize the trustees to set the tax rate upon completion of the Grand List.

3) To elect a Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, and three Auditors for the ensuing year; and two trustees for three years and one trustee for one year to fill the remaining term currently held by Mark Boudreau.

4) Shall the Village of North Bennington appropriate an increase in funding in the amount of $2,000.00 to Paran Recreations for the purpose of General Operating Expenses?

5) Shall the Village of North Bennington appropriate funding of $500.00 to the Bennington County Choral Society?

6) Shall the Village of North Bennington set the 2020/2021 property tax due date for November 10, 2020?

7) Shall the Village of North Bennington adopt the "Climate Solutions Resolution for the State of Vermont"?

8) To discuss any other business found proper when met.

Lorine Elwell
Village of North Bennington
January 2020
REGULAR MEETING AGENDA (Approximately 8pm)
1) Review and Approve Minutes of the Tuesday, April 7, 2020 meeting.
2) Review Monthly Warrant and Approve Payment of Bills
3) Citizen Comments:
4) Treasurer's Report
5) Highway/Facilities Report:
A. Truck Warranty
B. Zaluzny
C. Water stub/Highway Garage
6) Development Review Board
7) Planning Commission
8) Fire Department
9) Water Department
10) New Business
A. Bennington College Cell Tower Proposal
B. Depot WIFI
C. Census Reminder
D. Kiosk/Chirchirillo
11) Old Business
A. 40 Main Street
B. Kiosk/ Chirchirillo
12) Executive Session
13) Adjournment

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