Wards 1 & 8 NPA Meeting (Via Zoom)

Past event
May 13, 2020, 6:45 to 8:30 PM

Hello Neighbors!

Welcome to May and our first Wards 1 & 8 NPA meeting this spring! We will be meeting on Wednesday, May 13, from 6:45 - 8:30, via Zoom.

There are several ways to access the Wards 1+8 NPA meeting depending on how you feel most comfortable watching:

Want to directly participate (with audio and video)? Join the Zoom meeting! You will be able to just click the link below, and join the Zoom meeting.
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83001081325 Meeting ID: 830 0108 1325
One tap mobile: +19292056099,,83001081325# US (New York)

Want to watch the meeting but not be in direct attendance? Watch on Channel 17 youtube! You will be able to watch the livestream, without logging into the Zoom. And, if you're unable to tune in during the Wednesday meeting you can access the recording there, too! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLljLFn4BZd2Pa3H8l30gy_gZ3NL6orXcN

If you have any difficulties accessing the meeting, before, during or after, please feel free to contact Ward 8 Steering Committee member, Hannah King at (978-333-0769) or kinghannah190@gmail.com and she will walk you through the process, and troubleshoot any issues.


Facilitator: Caryn Long
Host: Zoraya Hightower
Tech support: Hannah King

6:45 Sign on to Zoom online meeting to Waiting Room
Hannah King: instructions for Zoom use for this meeting

7:00 Caryn Long: Announcements:
plans for votes on budget & steering membership; Ward 1 by-laws draft posted on NPA website; Lake Monsters season; composting (link to CSWD below); reminder about email list being compiled; masks availability for public; postponing thank-you's

7:05 Speakout: Speakout: Your concerns? Issues? How are you doing? What are people's
unmet needs? What are ways to help?

7:30 Update, Q & A from City Councilors: Jack Hanson, Zoraya Hightower, Jane Stromberg

7:55 Update, Q & A from School Board Commissioners: Aden Haji, Kathy Olwell

8:05 Update, Q & A from State Reps & Senators: Selene Colburne, Brian Cina, Barbara
Rachelson, Chris Pearson (voting in November)

8:30 Adjourn

Contact information also available on our CEDO NPA website: https://www/burlingtonvt.gov/CEDO/Neighborhood-Services/NPAs/Ward-1-NPA
Link to CSWD for composting info (check home page for latest update): https://cswd.net/about-cswd/universal-recycling-law-act-148/

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