(Allen Drive, Milton)... Furniture moving sale Saturday 4/12 10am to 3pm. The sale will be inside the house.
Items include but are not limited to:
Bernina Activa 125 sewing machine in original box
Web gas grill
Two leather reclining chairs
Many rugs
IQAir HealthPro Air Purifier (normally $900 new, this one is used but in pristine condition) $200
Tons of designer clothes size 2-8 and /shoes (sizes women's 8 1/2, 9, 9 1/2)
Cherry dining room set with 6 chairs (4 mahogany needle point chairs. 2 antique mohogany chairs with original fabric).
Mahogany full-size bedroom set
Persian hand knotted red wool rug 8'x9'.
35mm nikon camera (not digital)
6 Danish oil paintings.
Vintage red coffee table
French/Canadian Genealogical Books/Reference
Norman Rockwell 8-plate Colonial series (the rarest Rockwells)
Lazy Boy "the Collin" cream 87" sofa....excellent condition $500
Custom-made queen head board, lavender French fabric
Mirrors...lamps...Antique oak bureau. Other bureaus and end tables...dishes...patio table....computer desk and credenza
Antique Limoges and Victorian pink bride's basket from the 1800s
Books! (sci fi, fantasy, self help, scrap books, album books, home design, decor, biographies)
Look for signs on route 7. No reasonable offer refused. Hope to see you!
Mar 6, 2025, 12 AM to 11:55 PM
Calcutta - Essex Youth Hockey AssociationMar 8, 2025, 4 to 8 PM
Infant Story TimeMar 10, 2025, 10:30 to 11 AM