Tuesday, May 5, 2020
5:00 PM
Middlesex Town Clerk's Office
5 Church Street
Middlesex, Vermont 05602
(802) 223-5915
Due to public health concerns over COVID-19, the Select Board is holding its meetings via Zoom for the foreseeable future. In order to listen to and participate in this public meeting, please see instructions below.** If you encounter problems accessing the meeting, please call the Town Clerk's Office at 802-223-5915.
5:00 PM Call to order/amendments/welcoming guests
5:05 Revisiting the parking situation at the top of Notch Road at the entrance to the Town Forest. Road Foreman Paul Cerminara to attend. Action possible.
5:25 Addressing what improvements, if any, should be performed on the Class 4 section of North/East Bear Swamp roads to provide improved access to the Hunger Mt. hiking trail which is now owned by the State of Vermont. Road Foreman Paul Cerminara to attend. Action possible.
5:45 Considering the Middlesex Conservation Commission's request to appoint John Udis to the Commission. Action likely.
Considering Phoenix Mitchell's request that the Board write a letter of support to VTrans for a Hitching Post – where those seeking rides can wait – in front of Red Hen Bakery, thereby potentially generating a $500 grant to offset the cost of installation. Action possible. Phoenix to attend.
6:00 Treasurer's Report. Action possible.
- Approving the April 21, 2020 Select Board minutes, action likely
- Considering whether to charge the Middlesex Bandstand Committee the customary $25 fee when bands perform at Town Hall to livestream music this summer. Action likely.
- Orders – reviewed and approved via email
- Correspondence
- Any other business that may come before the Board.
6:40 Adjournment.
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Feb 19, 2025, 6:15 to 9 PM
Winter Artist Talk & Dining Series Feb. 20 & March 13Feb 20, 2025, 5 to 8:30 PM
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