VAE - Stay in Your Car, Village Parade

Past event
Apr 25, 2020, 11 AM to 12 PM

"6 Feet Apart, Together in Heart" Saturday, April 25th at 11:00 am. The first ever and hopefully only, Stay in your Car parade".

We ask you to decorate your vehicle! Make signs. What message do you want to say? Anyone you are thankful for? Celebrate your family! Is your organization or business feeling a bit isolated? Celebrate it and all the hard work you give! Make music, dig out the family instruments and put a band in the back of your truck! Turn up your radio! Antique cars & trucks welcomed! And if you are on the sidewalks, PLEASE STAY 6 FT. APART and masks welcomed!

We'll follow the basic Halloween route. The NORSHAFT LION's will be hosting a STUFF THE TRUICK Food Drop and Go at the Train Depot 11-1pm. They are helping with the situation of empty food shelves locally. CAT-TV will be onsite filming the parade and we hope to LIVE STREAM it as well. Thank you Fund for North Bennington for helping out!

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