The Richmond Development Review Board (DRB) shall hold a public hearing on Wednesday, May13, 2020 beginning at 7:00 PM to consider the following:
Public Hearing-
Noyes Properties, LLC- Application 2020-031 for Final Subdivision for a 5-Lot subdivision (creation of 4 new lots) at 198 Railroad St, Parcel ID RR0198, in the Village/Commercial (V/C ) Zoning District.
Noyes Properties, LLC- Application 2020-032 for Site Plan Review for a 7,000 sq. ft. Office, Business or Professional, at Lot 1, 198 Railroad St, Parcel ID RR0198, in the Village/Commercial (V/C) Zoning District.
Kathleen & Robert Landry/ Court Street Associates- Application 2020-033 for Conditional Use Review for a change in use from an Inn to commercial use for professional offices at 191 East Main St, Parcel ID EM0191, in the Residential /Commercial (R/C) Zoning District.
Town of Richmond- Application 2020-039 for Conditional Use Review to change in use to an Outdoor Recreational Facility, and a variance from the front setback from 55' to 35' from the centerline of East Main St for a parking lot at 1129 East Main St, Parcel ID 1129, in the Agricultural/Residential (A/R) Zoning District.
Nakatomi Plaza, LLC- Application 2020-040 for Conditional Use Review to add a fourth dwelling unit on the second level of an approved Mixed-Use PUD at 39 Bridge St, Parcel ID BR0039, in the Village Downtown (VD) Zoning District.
Buttermilk, LLC- Application 2020-041 for Conditional Use Review to modify approved patio and to add a pent roof on patio at 20 Jolina Ct, Parcel ID BR0125, in the Residential/Commercial (R/C) Zoning District.
Other Business-
Approve minutes from April 8, 2020 DRB meeting
Participation in the hearing process is required to appeal a decision of the DRB. Application materials may be viewed at one week before meeting.
Due to precautions being taken during the COVID-19 pandemic, and in accordance with Bill H.681 this DRB meeting will be held via login online or conference call only. We encourage all members of the DRB and of the public to call in with the conference call info below or to log into the Zoom meeting. You do not need a computer to attend this meeting. You may use the "Join by Phone" number to call from a cell phone or landline. When prompted, enter the meeting ID provided below to join by phone. You may also submit written testimony prior to the meeting. Please email all written testimony.
Join Zoom Meeting Online: Meeting ID: 996 9473 3384Password: 793824
One tap mobile: +19292056099,,99694733384#,,#,793824# US (New York)
Join by phone: +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 996 9473 3384 Password: 793824
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Feb 24, 2025, 7 to 8 PM
Grief GroupFeb 25, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM
So You Want to Write a Book! RescheduledFeb 27, 2025, 7 to 8 PM